A Clinic for Those who Lost Limbs in the Quake
On January 7, 2011 the Aristide Foundation organized a clinic for 400 people who were injured or lost limbs as a result of the earthquake. Over 5,000 people are estimated to have lost a limb as a result of injuries sustained during the earthquake. The group gathered in the auditorium of the Aristide Foundation on the morning of the 7th. Each person then received a consultation with a doctor. Four orthopedists, two surgeons, and 15 general medical doctors (most of whom are former UniFA students, trained in Cuba) offered their services for the day.
After the consultation, crutches, wheel chairs, walker and canes for the elderly, were distributed free of charge to those in need of them. Most of the equipment we distributed came from a gift facilitated by Haiti Emergency Relief Fund, we thank them for enabling us to some help to those in need.
This event was the first in a series of events planned this week to mark the anniversary of the quake through service to the survivors.
A creole language version of the Foundation’s press release is below.
Klinik Mobil Pou Andikape.
Moun ki rive sove anba dekonb
Tranbleman Tè 12 Janvye 2010.
Oditoryòm Fondasyon Aristide
Vandredi 7 Janvye 2011.
Sa fè yon (1) lane depi Lanati frape pye l byen fò nan Depatman Lwès ak Sidès peyi Dayiti. Kòm nou pat pare pou sa ebyen, 300.000 sitwayen ayisyen pèdi lavi yo nan pasaj Tranbleman Tè a. Anpil nan nou menm ki rive chape anba dekonb pèdi yon pati nan kò nou tankou :
Bra koupe
Pye koupe
Tèt manke moso
Zye kreve
Gwo blesi grav nan kò
Avan 12 Janvye 2010, estatistik te déjà relve genyen 800.000 Andikape nan tout peyi a. Aprè 12 Janvye 2010 nonb lan vin ogmante. Laprès deklare ke yo rive konte ant 4 a 5 Mil Andikape : Moun pye koupe, Bra koupe, elatriye,…. Kidonk, peyi a genyen yon nouvèl jenerasyon Andikape.
Ki lavni pou 5 Mil nouvo Andikape yo ?
Malgre yo rive chape anba dekonb men, mak yo pote nan kò yo rete yon gwo andikap pou yo jere pou tout rès vi yo sou latè. Kijan pou sosyete a ankadre yo ? Kijan pou yo konsidere tèt yo kòm moun san konplèks, san gwo tèt chaje ? Li pa fasil. Wi, li pa fasil piske nap viv nan yon sosyete ki poko genyen nivo pou bay tout respè ak moun ki genyen yon andikap kèlkonk.
Si nou fè yon ti bak nan listwa sosyal peyi dayiti na konprann kòman sosyete a te konn diskrimine moun ki andikape. Lè nou pale de andikape nou vle di tout tip andikap: Moun ki pèdi Bra, oswa moun ki pèdi pye, oswa moun ki genyen pwoblèm mantal,….Lè moun nan kategori andikape nou site la yo te konn ap sikile nan lari ebyen yo te konn anmède yo anpil, yo te konn rele chalbari dèyè yo nan tout lari. Sosyete a pat ko prè pou konprann ke yon andikape se yon moun ki genyen tout dwa epi ki genyen wol li ka jwe pou kontinye viv kòm yon moun nòmal. Genyen andikape nan lemond ki fè anpil gwo mirak syantifik pou ede limanite fè plis pwogrè. Genyen anpil gwo Atis andikape. Lakay nou annayiti yo egziste tou. Pou sa, Fondasyon Aristide double aktivite sosyal li te konn òganize pou bay plis ankadreman a moun ki pi nesesite yo.
Pou make premye anivèsè Tranbleman Tè 12 Janvye 2010 la epi rann yon Omaj a 5 Mil nouvo andikape yo Konsèy Administrasyon Fondasyon Aristide mete ansanm ak Direksyon medikal la nan òganize Vandredi ki te 7 Janvye 2011 yon Klinik Mobil pou Andikape. Direksyon medikal la te envite 400 andikape : Bra koupe, Pye koupe vin patisipe pou ka resevwa evalyasyon medikal, pou resevwa Beki, Ròkè, chèz roulant, Baton pou Granmoun,… Direksyon medikal la te jwenn konkou 4 Otopedis, 2 Chirijyen ak 15 Medsen jeneralis ki vin pote kole avèk li pou ankadre 400 andikape yo.
Nou pwofite sikonstans sa a pou remèsye piblikman Oganizasyon entènasyonal ERF nan KALIFONI peyi Etazini pou bann materyèl medikal li te voye pou Fondasyon Aristide. Se gras ak sipò sa yo tankou : Beki, Ròkè, Chèz roulant ki ede nou bay chak andikape selon bezwen yo yon materyel ..
Direktè Toussaint Hilaire.